Our Journey of Faith, Hope, Courage, and Strength

Our Journey of Faith, Hope, Courage, and Strength

Monday, June 2, 2014


We knew over Memorial Day Weekend we wanted to visit the temple - so to Omaha we went. Our "big" boys were in Spokane, but we still had a great time. We began our Nebraska trip with the zoo. My favorite quote of the day was Dakota, about 5 min. into our zoo visit. "Ok, Mom, I'm ready to go." "Alright Dee, let's go see the next exhibit." "No Mom, I'm mean I'm done. I'm done with the zoo. Can we go now?" After a couple of hours she changed her mind and decided the zoo was fun. She loved the bounce house, slide, and water sprayer, and Camryn's favorites were the barn and giraffes.

After we had seen everything the girls wanted, we left hot and sweaty for the temple. Camryn insisted that she change into her clothes for the temple (new skirt and shirt), and we followed suit. Camryn was so excited to touch the temple doors, and as the girls approached the doors, I couldn't help but sing in my mind, "I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday." We felt such peace and power at the temple even though we never went inside, and we were so grateful we could be on the grounds and touch the temple.

We also visited the Mormon Trail Center where the kids enjoyed dressing up as pioneers, and we walked through the cemetery where one of my ancestors is buried. I felt so grateful for the burning testimonies of the pioneers and the growth that has come to the church as a result of their faith.

Our last stop for the day was the hotel and the kids were excited for the pool. (We stayed the night in Omaha to meet up with Bryce who was flying in late.)
We had a great fun-filled day and look forward to the next time we visit Nebraska.

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