Our Journey of Faith, Hope, Courage, and Strength

Our Journey of Faith, Hope, Courage, and Strength

Monday, November 4, 2013


The kids have anxiously been waiting for enough leaves to fall so they could rake and play in the piles.  Last weekend we finally had enough. 


In Iowa, Halloween is celebrated a little differently than most of the United States.  We trick-or-treat on Beggar's Eve (October 30th) instead of Halloween.  A little weird?  We think so, but when in Rome...So we went trick-or-treating on unhalloween with Ironman, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Whinnie the Pooh. The big kids ran from house to house (Dad and Deacon were able to keep up) while Camryn (with Mom) had her own pace and interest.  She preferred puppies over candy - stopping to pet each one, ask the owner its name, etc. This was probably my favorite trick-or-treat yet, despite being separated from most of the family.  Camryn's enthusiasm was contagious and her easy-going pace gave us the opportunity to meet and talk with our neighbors.

Pumpkin Fun

Last year we carved our pumpkins too early.  (By Halloween they were falling in and rotting.)  So this year we decided to wait until just before Halloween.  Despite our best intentions, here is our carving crew one hour before trick-or-treating.  Maybe next year we'll time our carving so it's just right. 

Dakota with Rapunzel's tower, Taylor a bat, and Camryn (aka Cookie) a cat.